Breakaway Civilisations, is there a Secret Space Program ?

A breakaway civilisation is a sub set of the Human beings who have accumulated highly advanced technology and through this advanced Occult Technology they have hidden, a secret life developing this Occult Technology for its own benefit and created a secret space program. Yes this is certainly going the step beyond and accepting some bitter truth about the reality around us, but all this information is publicly accessible and for you to make your own mind up.

The Nazies hunted for crashed UFOs

The nazies were very well known for there hunt for crashed UFOs. In 1936 they discovered the first UFO crash, in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) of Bavaria, in South Western Germany. While the upheaval of World War 2 was happening, the National Socialist Germans were looking into interdimensional travel, reverse engineering ufos and searching for prehistoric esoteric knowledge to our planet.

The Vril Society re-engineered crashed UFOS

The Vril Society was actively known for re engineering the ufo found in 1936 for the Third Reich. It was then in 1942 the National Socialist Germans developed this technology to go to the moon where the German Space Program was developed. Many advancements in technology were built, but the Raumkreuzer (Space Cruisers) were manufactured using the reverse engineered UFOs, they became the Dunkle Flotte (Dark Fleet) of the Fourth Reich.


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In 1945  Operation Paperclip happened which was a United States Intelligence Program

In 1945 Operation Paperclip which was a United States Intelligence Program where over 1500 German Scientists, Engineers, and Technicians from National Socialist Germany to America for employment. Where many technologies were developed and the US secret space program began.

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