British Cryptids are reported all over Britain

The incredible landscapes of Celtic Britain have been used for thousands of years to establish territories of martial dominance, and conflict have arisen. However, none of this compares to the stories about the unusual Cryptids which seemingly exist within the British Isles. Although different kinds of Cryptids exist in many locations on Planet Earth, it is this landmass which is rather special, as so many stories have been told about the Cryptids which frequently reside in the United Kingdom.

Britain has the Owl Man, Mountain Giants, Great Serpents and Much More…

Within the geographic reaches of the United Kingdom are numerous kinds of etheric lifeforms which include the Owlman, the various Mountain Giants, the unusual Astral Entity called Spring Heeled Jack and the highly elusive Woodwose (Forest Beings), that also became revered in English Folklore, when they were given similar descriptive names such as the Wodewose (Forest Beings), and the Wudwas (Forest Beings). Further cultural divergences occurred in villages and towns acros England, and resulted in the Cryptids becoming defined as the Wudewas (Forest Beings), and the Wuduwāsa (Forest Beings) or the Wudewāsa (Forest Beings). These specific etheric lifeforms have been described in the chivalric story from Welsh Folklore called Sir Gawain And The Green Knight, that was written by John Massey.

There are many other Stories of Serpents than Loch Ness

Across the Scottish Highlands of Northern Scotland many kinds of Great Serpents were known to have resided in Loch Morar, and on many occasions were seen in other aquatic environments which include Loch Lochy, Loch Arkaig, Loch Oich, Loch Linnhe, Loch Quoich and Loch Shiel. Other aquatic creatures such as

the Nwyvre (Water Dragon) of the River Taff at Cardiff, in Southern Wales, became legendary presences for the local Celtic Britons. Some of these stories are unexplainable and leaves you wondering what kind of concealed etheric lifeforms exist in the landscapes of Celtic Britain or even beneath the landmass itself, within the locations which have become defined as the Ceudyllau Disgleirio (Shining Caverns) of the Daear Bant (Hollow Earth).

The most horrific Cryptids Ever Recorded was the Questing Beast

One of the most horrific creatures is the Beste Hwithranow (Questing Beast), which also became similarly defined as the Beste Glatisant (Questing Beast), which is a noisy mutant which the physique of a Reptile and a Mammal. This bizarre etheric lifeform was initially seen on the 28 September 1346. There were other kinds of lifeforms that were known to be present throughout Cornwall, in South West England, and these included the Euthviles Gonyow (Moorland Monsters). Such kinds of Cryptids were similarly known as Tebelvestes Gonyow (Moorland Monsters), and the Spyrysyon Gwedhek (Woodland Spirits), and the Spyryjyon

Gwedhek (Woodland Spirits). Apparently, these creatures frequently roamed across Cornwall, but the Questing Beast was the most physically repulsive looking of them all. From those who observed the Questing Beast, it appeared to have the head of a snake, the body of a leopard, the legs of a stag, the thighs and tail of a lion. The bizarre looking Questing Beast was believed to have existed next to the River Camel, near Bodmin Moor, in North Eastern Cornwall and midst other nearby areas in South West England. In Volume 1, Book 1, Chapter 19 of the prose called Le Morte D’Arthur, that was published on the 23 February 1485, the following was written about this British Cryptid, by the English Novelist, Sir Thomas Mallory:

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