What inspired you to write Smart Dust?
When my mind wrapped around the concept of WHAT Smart Dust could mean to a Free-thinker, I had no choice but to explore the possibilities of such technology being used in nefarious ways – As is the nature of man who wishes to control others in a cowardly way.
What inspires you to create?
I believe I am endowed with a perspective- as many others are – to broaden an idea to bring a person to imagine beyond what they see, hear, taste, smell, or touch. The mental faculties that are underutilized (Memory, Reason, Perception, Intuition, the Will, and Imagination) need to be prodded and probed. I am inspired to create because my time is limited on this plane and I do not want to waste ANY of it.
How do you find inspiration as a writer?

What would you advise new writers wanting to write a book?
I would tell any new writers to be TRUE to their passion – Do not copy someone else. Be aware of your message – in other words “WHY do you want to tell your story!?! And, the final piece – Be disciplined to keep at it when you want to give up. My first book of 65,000 words (about 200 pages) was lost by a sloppy editor. My computer had crashed and I asked for the disk so I could make a copy and they had already LOST my entire book. I had to rewrite the entire book from what I remembered. Discipline and Perseverance will overcome writer’s block AND the criticism of people who do not believe in you. I could teach a whole class on this!
How do you find creative ideas?
I am aware of my presence in the world around me. I feel as though I am a constant observer. Feelings, SIghts. Smells, and many other senses become acutely aware of your surroundings when you begin to PRACTICE it. Because of this AWARENESS, trivial details become synonymous with emotions and meanings that otherwise seem trivial. Becoming aware is noticing things that are interesting and need to be expounded to harness the power of people’s emotions. STORM into people’s minds and hearts with words that provoke emotion and the creative process will never end. Ask yourself – WHAT MOVES ME? And then, write about it!
I have been blessed or cursed with Synesthesia. When I hear music, I see colors and shapes. I thought EVERYONE saw what I saw and felt when music was played. I only found out it had a name when I was about 22 years old. By then, I had already been in a band for 4 years and would tell stories from the stage from my perspective. I did not realize that because of Synesthesia, I was able to capture an audience’s attention because of it. Overcoming a speech impediment has helped me create an acronym that I have shared with others to help them see beyond their Weakness! The acronym is S.T.O.P. Spelled out – it means, my Struggle has become a Strength. My Tragedy (or trauma) has become a Triumph. My Obstacle can and has been Overcome, And my Pain has become a Purpose, a Plan, a Process, a Passion, and aPromise!