The concept of the breaking point is defined as the subconscious threshold, which is the stage you are pushed because of psychological and emotional distress. For humans to move beyond the breaking point, we should first understand what that breaking point actually is. If you haven’t realised already, we are at a nexus on Planet Earth, because of the events around us. No matter what angle you look at this we are at a major transition in our economies, international trade and proactive geopolitical leadership. Full transparency to the powers that control us and the knowledge that has been held back from society, because corruption and lies will have to be left behind in the newer version of the World that is ahead of us. We are and will eventually move into existing within cashless societies that will be fairly and equally controlled. But for that to happen, we have to shift our inner perspectives. This Material World is just a stagecraft, mostly a drama, only actually displayed to you to provoke a reaction, so you ignore your own knowledge.


The Great Awakening


There is no doubt we will move to a digital economy and money will be created in many different ways. This is very exciting to see where this will lead and what sort of trade we will have in the future when we are a more focused on localism-based communities, because it will be like no other previous civilisations on Planet Earth, but only more abundant and contributing to our wellbeing. As the old ways are going to change in major way, it’s exciting, but also very overwhelming when you see the bigger picture and aware to the bigger agendas at play. Hence, the breaking point is the summation of all these factors converging into a specific nexus and resulting in the fragmentation of this 3D Holographic Reality. Because there is an apocalypse or a revealing, which is happening right now, many individuals are getting pulled into the False Light believing they are waking up or doing something for the better cause. We must remember this is a Great Awakening. Once this happens, the Material World will shift.

We are the controllers and manipulators of these system


To avoid this Orwellian Dystopia future, we all have to remember that we are the controllers and manipulators of these systems and we’re all living in a co-creative experience, which affects everyone. Whether you believe that or not, we create vibrational ripple effects, and those vibrational ripples then influence how individuals behave and communicate with each other. All our actions effect the larger picture of this 3D Holographic Reality. It is important that we listen to the Material World, but remember the mainstream media and even the alternative media, are both channels that are operating from a very egocentric perspective. So we need to make sure when we observe information, that we are not receiving distorted messages.

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