Repopulation Cards | Cabbage Patch Babies

The repopulation cards were done in a French style postcard mostly depict babes and enfants growing  from a cabbage patch, very

little is known about their history and who made them and the cards makers seemed to remain anonymous. But at the same time this was all occuring, Martin Cooney was displaying what he called the incubator babies which appeared at many world fairs over the united states. Were these babies grown from these incubators?

The Cabbage Fairy Alice Guy-Blaché

In 1896 you had a film called the  La Fée Aux Choux (The Cabbage Fairy) created  by filmmaker Alice Ida Antoinette Guy-Blaché (1st July 1873 to the 24th March 1968, ). She was a pioneer filmmaker who specialised in producing narrative fiction-based films. Alice Ida Antoinette Guy-Blaché was also the first woman to direct a film anywhere on Planet Earth and appointed the role. She experimented with the Chronophone of Léon Ernest Gaumont, and with colour-tinting and special effects. Click here to watch The Cabbage Fairy on Youtube

Imperial Russia called them Meadow Babies

In the painting from Imperial Russia, that was captioned with the words ‘Vot Otkuda Berutsya Deti’ or ‘That’s Where Babies Come From’, this entire narrative was intended to convey how female Kommissionerky or Chosen United Officers or Commissioners were tasked with nurturing the infants. To set it into the minds of the human beings how the maternal parent were these clinical, was this a way to indoctrinate people to believe in state control?  Where did these infants come from? Were they the orphans from the parents of great tartaria?

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