In Great Tartaria they emphasised the importance of the Christ Consciousness

Great Tartaria is believed to have first emerged on August 15, 342 BC, and after its political expansion on February 16, 458 BC, it developed into a remarkable civilization. This society harnessed advanced occult technology to tap into telluric electricity, highlighting the significance of Christ Consciousness. Their style, characterized by distinctive Tartarian architecture, integrated sound and structural elements to enhance their unique understanding of the world.

What is Christ Consciousness?

The term “Christ Consciousness” or “Higher Consciousness” is fundamentally mystical, embodying a spiritually elevated awareness of Divine Love, Infinite Oneness, and the Eternal Now of the Universal Creator of Heaven and Earth. At its core, Christ Consciousness encompasses qualities such as empathy, compassion, devotion, courage, and transcendent obedience. Additionally, Tartarian Architecture was crafted to cultivate cymatic healing fields, utilizing the power of prayer, chanting, singing, and musical instruments.

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Christ Consciousness emanated through the Tartarian Architecture

Spirituality and faith flourished in Great Tartaria, where the Tartarians harnessed the energies of Christ Consciousness embedded within their architectural designs to enhance their well-being. Their unique architecture was founded on sacred geometry, carefully aligned with the Schumann resonances – the Earth’s natural frequency field. This harmonious connection not only enriched their spiritual practices but also fostered a profound sense of balance and vitality within their communities.

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