What is the Chronovisor ?

The Chronovisor is a device that was apparently constructed on  the 7th October 1954 by the Benedictine Monk and Roman Catholic Priest called Father Pellegrino Ernetti, and 12 scientists from Italy and locations around Europe. The Italian Physicist called Enrico Fermi and the German Space Architect called Wernher Von Braun, were 2 of the 12 scientists who helped to construct the Chronovisor.

World’s First Time Machine

The Chronovisor was developed to function like a temporal observer mechanism that was able to see into the past. Father Pellegrino Ernetti claimed he could observe the past with the Tempus Machina (Time Machine), which he had supposedly invented. However, the existence of the Chronovisor has never been proven or verified. In a book called Father Ernetti’s Chronovisor: The Creation And Disappearance Of The World’s First Time Machine, that was written on the 2nd March 2000 by Peter Krassa, extensive details are presented concerning the Chronovisor of Father Pellegrino Ernetti. Further information about the Chronovisor is presented in a book called Le The New Mystery Of The Vatican, that was published on the 6th February 2002 by Father François Brune who was a close friend of Father Pellegrino Ernetti, and truly believed the Chronovisor to be an authentic Time Machine.

Father Pellegrino Ernetti apparently helped  build the Chronovisor

Father Pellegrino Ernetti apparently helped  build the Chronovisor and was a trained Benedictine Monk from the Order of Saint Benedict, who was a Polymath and Catholic Exorcist. Ernetti kept the device concealed from other Benedictine Monks and Roman Catholic Priests, until April 1962, when he confided in the French Roman Catholic Priest known as Father François Brune, and told him that 12 scientists constructed the chronovuisor,  two of which were Enrico Fermi and Wernher Von Braun had been involved with developing the Chronovisor.

How was the Chronovisor made ?

The Chronovisor was made of cathode rays, antennae, and metals such as aluminium and copper, that received sound and photonic signals on all wavelengths. Effectively, the Chronovisor was used to allow a team of scientists to document events of the past, including the crucifixion of the Jesus Christ, the Italian Dictator Mussolini, and the French Emperor Napoleon The First. Additionally, scenes from the Roman Empire were observed. The actual Time Machine, was therefore utilised to validate the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible, simply by providing a direct look into the past events on Planet Earth, during the Roman Empire.

Is the Chronovisor real or a hoax ?

Perhaps we will never know the complete truth about the Chronovisor of Father Pellegrino Ernetti, but from the research, it would seem this certainly existed. But would anyone care if the Chronovisor was authentic? Would anyone even believe it could be? As the Vatican Apostolic Archive, is consistently kept closed, the Chronovisor still caused speculation today, and if this kind of Occult Technology is authentic, it could help save Humans from the challenges we are facing today. Additionally, the Chronovisor might end up causing much controversy for the beliefs of Western Science and religions.

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